separable socket. Install separable sockets in pipe lines in such a manner
to sense the temperature of flowing the fluid and minimize obstruction to
Provide strainers, with meshes suitable for the services, where indicated,
or where dirt might interfere with the proper operation of valve parts,
orifices, or moving parts of equipment.
Select pumps for specified fluid temperatures, are non-overloading in
parallel or individual operation, and operate within 25 percent of midpoint
of published maximum efficiency curve. Support piping adjacent to pump
such that no weight is carried on pump casings. Install close coupled and
base mounted pumps on concrete base, with anchor bolts, set and level, and
grout in place and provide supports under elbows on pump suction and
discharge line sizes 100 mm 4 inches and over. Lubricate pump before
Equipment Foundations
Locate equipment foundations as shown on the drawings. Size, weight, and
design shall preclude shifting of equipment under operating conditions.
Foundations shall meet the requirements of the equipment manufacturer.
Concrete shall conform to Section 03300N CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE, and grout
shall be approved non-shrinking.
Equipment Installation
manufacturers. Grout equipment mounted on concrete foundations before
installing piping. Install piping in such a manner as not to place a
match. Grade, anchor, guide, and support piping without low pockets.
Cleaning of Systems
As installation of the various system components is completed, fill, start,
and vent prior to cleaning. Place terminal control valves in open
position. Add cleaner to closed system at concentration as recommended by
manufacturer. Apply heat while circulating, slowly raising temperature to
71 degrees C 160 degrees F and maintain for 12 hours minimum. Remove heat
and circulate to 38 degrees C 100 degrees F or less; drain systems as
quickly as possible and refill with clean water. Circulate for 6 hours at
design temperatures, then drain. Refill with clean water and repeat until
system cleaner is removed. Use neutralizer agents on recommendation of
system cleaner supplier and approval of Contracting Officer. Remove,
clean, and replace strainer screens. Inspect, remove sludge, and flush low
disassembly of components as required. Preliminary or final tests are not
permitted until cleaning is approved.
Painting of Piping and Equipment
NOTE: When the project specification does not have
a section on field painting, the requirements in
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