Steam Pressure-Reducing Valves
NOTE: The designer shall ensure that safety valves
are installed for proper personnel protection. Vent
piping shall be sized to minimize back pressure.
The pipe sizes and the method of termination shall
be shown on the drawings.
NOTE: The bypass valves shall be located in bypass
piping. The valve and piping shall be sized to
restrict the capacity to approximately that of the
reducing valve and the sizes shall be indicated on
the drawings.
NOTE: Provide a drip trap upstream of the pressure
reducing valve to preclude the build-up of
condensate and potential water hammer through the
valve and downstream piping.
Provide the steam line entering each pressure-reducing valve with a
strainer. Provide each pressure-reducing valve unit with two cutout valves
and with a globe or angle bypass valve and bypass piping. Provide each
pressure-reducing valve unit with an indicating steam gage to show the
reduced pressure, and a safety valve on the low pressure side with
Valves for Radiators
Install a radiator valve on each radiator.
Safety Valves
Provide with drip pan elbows.
Pressure Gages
Install a shutoff valve or petcock between each pressure gage and the line,
and gages on steam lines shall have a syphon installed ahead of the gage.
Provide thermometers and thermal sensing elements of control valves with a
separable socket. Install separable sockets in pipe lines in such a manner
to sense the temperature of the flowing fluid and minimize obstruction to
Steam Meters
Provide steam meters with a suitable three-valve bypass to permit
dismantling and inspection without interference with the service.
Provide strainers with meshes suitable for the services where indicated,
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