The day tank shall be manually filled to a level above the
overfill limit. The level at which the overfill alarm activates
shall be recorded. Shutdown of the fuel transfer pump shall be
verified. The day tank shall be drained below the overfill limit
following the test.]
The time-delay low-lube oil pressure alarm bypass shall be
temporarily removed from the engine safety circuits and an attempt
made to start the engine. The results shall be recorded.
A manifold shall be attached to the engine oil system containing a
shutoff valve in series with a connection for the engine's oil
pressure sensor, followed by an oil pressure gauge, ending in a
bleed valve. The oil pressure sensor shall be moved from the
engine to the manifold and its normal location on the engine
temporarily sealed. The manifold shutoff valve shall be placed in
the open position and the bleed valve closed.
The engine shall be started, the starting time recorded, the
engine manufacturer's after-starting checks and inspections
performed and recorded and the engine operated for at least 15 min
at 75 percent of rated speed.
The manifold shutoff valve shall be closed. The pressure in the
manifold shall be slowly bled off through the bleed valve while
observing the pressure gauge. The pressure at which the engine
shuts down shall be recorded. The oil spillage from the bleed
valve shall be captured in a container. The oil system shall be
refilled, the manifold removed, and the engine's oil pressure
sensor reinstalled on the engine following the test.
The engine shall be started, the starting time recorded, the
engine manufacturer's after-starting checks and inspections
performed and recorded and the engine operated for at least 15 min
at 100 percent of rated speed. The maximum sound level in each
frequency band at a distance of 22.9 m 75 ft from the end of the
exhaust piping directly along the path of discharge for
horizontally discharged exhausts shall be recorded. The maximum
sound level in each frequency band at a distance of [22.9 m 75 ft]
[10.7 m 35 ft] from the silencer at 45 deg apart in all directions
around the unit shall be recorded.
The fuel from the day tank shall be slowly drained to lower the
fuel level below the no fuel level limit and the level at which
the audible alarm sounds recorded. The fuel shall be added back
to the day tank, filling it above the low level alarm limit
following the test.]
Final Inspection
The lube-oil filter shall be removed and the oil and filter
examined by the engine manufacturer for excessive metal, abrasive
foreign particles, and other indications of engine distress. Any
corrective actions shall be verified for effectiveness by running
the engine for 8 hr at full rated speed, then re-examining the oil
and filter.
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