Combination Fixed Temperature Rate-of-Rise Detectors
NOTE: Only single acting rate-of-rise heat
detectors may be specified for use with a pneumatic
detection system.
Designed for [surface] [semi-flush] outlet box mounting and supported
independently of conduit, tubing or wiring connections. Contacts shall be
self-resetting after response to rate-of-rise actuation. Operation under
fixed temperature actuation shall result in an external indication.
Detector units located in areas subject to abnormal temperature changes
shall operate on fixed temperature principle only.
Rate Compensating Detector
Designed for [surface] [flush] [vertical unit] outlet box mounting and
supported independently of conduit, tubing or wiring connections. Detectors
shall be hermetically sealed and automatically resetting type which will
operate when ambient air temperature reaches detector setting regardless of
rate of temperature rise. Detector operation shall not be subject to
thermal time lag.
NOTE: Consult with the Division Fire Protection
Engineer before specifying 2-wire smoke detectors as
a Contractor option. 2-wire detectors must be
carefully matched to the control panel by the
manufacturer, and are not universally
interchangeable between systems for maintenance
Designed for detection of abnormal smoke densities by the [ionization] [or]
[photoelectric] principle. Provide necessary control and power modules
detectors and associated modules which are compatible with the main control
panel and suitable for use in a supervised circuit. Detector circuits
shall be of the 4-wire type whereby the detector operating power is
transmitted over conductors separate from the initiating circuit. Provide
a separate, fused, power circuit for each smoke detection initiating
circuit (zone). Failure of the power circuit shall be indicated as a
trouble condition on the corresponding initiating circuit. [As an
alternate, detector circuits of the 2-wire type whereby the detector
operating power is transmitted over the initiating circuit are permitted,
provided the detectors used are approved by the control panel manufacturer
for use with the control panel provided and are UL listed or FM approved as
being compatible with the control panel (copies of the UL or FM listings
showing compatibility shall be submitted). When 2-wire smoke detectorsare
used, the total number of detectors on any detection circuit shall not
exceed 80 percent of the maximum number of detectors allowed by the control
panel manufacturer for that circuit and the standby current draw of the
entire system shall not exceed 80 percent of the rated output of the system
power supply module(s). Provide additional zones above those specified in
the paragraph entitled "Initiating Zones" if required to meet the above
requirements. Calculations showing compliance with the power consumption
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