Monitor System Activation
NOTE: Overhead systems, monitor systems and hose
systems shall be served by separate risers.
Each zone shall encompass [one hangar bay] [the monitors indicated]. Upon
activation of [[detectors for] the overhead system] [two UV-IR detectors
for more than 5 seconds] or activation of a manual release station, all
monitors in that zone shall be activated.
Hose System Activation
NOTE: Overhead systems, monitor systems and hose
systems shall be served by separate risers.
[Each] [The] zone shall encompass [all hose stations] [the hose stations
indicated]. Hose stations shall be activated upon activation of a hose
station manual release station. Provide a manual release station at each
hose station.
Water Motor Alarms
Provide weatherproof and guarded type alarm for each [group of] [deluge]
[pre-action] valve(s). Alarms shall sound locally on the flow of foam
solution in each system to which it is connected. Mount alarms on the
outside of the outer walls of each building, at locations indicated. When
more than one alarm gong is provided, provide permanent engraved rigid
plastic or metal signs indicating to which system each gong is connected.
Local Alarm
NOTE: Delete if a building fire alarm system exists
in the building or is being provided under this
Provide electric [alarm horns] [alarm bells] to sound locally on operation
of any system, regardless of whether water flows or not. When more than
one alarm is provided, provide permanent engraved rigid plastic or metal
signs indicating to which system each alarm is connected.
Fire Alarm
Provide equipment for the automatic transmittal of an alarm over the
building fire alarm system. Arrange so that the detection system and the
flow of solution in each system will actuate the alarm. [Activation of a
single UV-IR detector shall not cause activation of the foam system but
shall cause activation of the fire alarm system].
Pressure Switch
Provide switch with SPDT contacts to automatically transmit alarms upon
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