Monitor nozzles, Data Package 3; G
Instructions for operating the fire extinguishing system, Data
Package 4; G
Submit in accordance with Section 01781 OPERATION AND
MAINTENANCE DATA. Furnish one complete set of data prior to the
time that final acceptance tests are performed, and furnish the
remaining sets before the contract is completed.
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
As-built drawings for the fire extinguishing system; G
Qualifications of Installer
Prior to commencing work, submit data showing that the Contractor has
successfully installed automatic foam fire extinguishing sprinkler systems
of the same type and design as specified herein, or that he has a firm
contractual agreement with a subcontractor having the required experience.
Include the names and locations of at least two installations where the
Contractor, or the subcontractor referred to above, has installed such
systems. Indicate the type and design of each system, and certify that the
system has performed satisfactorily for a period of at least 18 months.
NOTE: For projects administered by the Pacific
Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command,
include the following optional paragraph requiring
the minimum qualification of a NICET Level-III
technician for preparation of all fire protection
system drawings.
[Qualifications of System Technician: Installation drawings, shop drawing
and as-built drawings shall be prepared, by or under the supervision of, an
individual who is experienced with the types of works specified herein, and
is currently certified by the National Institute for Certification in
Engineering Technologies (NICET) as an engineering technician with minimum
Level-III certification in Special Hazard System program. Contractor shall
submit data for approval showing the name and certification of all involved
individuals with such qualifications at or prior to submittal of drawings.]
Furnish the following spare parts:
2 of each type of detector installed.
1 of each type of audible and/or visual alarm device installed.
2 of each type of fuse required by the system.
5 complete sets of system keys.
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