Pipe Penetrations
Cutting structural members for passage of pipes or for pipe-hanger
fastenings will not be permitted. Pipes that must penetrate concrete or
masonry walls or concrete floors shall be core-drilled and provided with
pipe sleeves. Each sleeve shall be Schedule 40 galvanized steel, ductile
iron or cast iron pipe and shall extend through its respective wall or
floor and be cut flush with each wall surface. Sleeves shall provide
required clearance between the pipe and the sleeve per NFPA 13. The space
between the sleeve and the pipe shall be firmly packed with mineral wool
insulation. Where pipes penetrate fire walls, fire partitions, or floors,
pipes shall be fire stopped in accordance with Section 07840 FIRESTOPPING.
In penetrations that are not fire-rated or not a floor penetration, the
space between the sleeve and the pipe shall be sealed at both ends with
plastic waterproof cement that will dry to a firm but pliable mass or with
a mechanically adjustable segmented elastomer seal.
Escutcheons shall be provided for pipe penetration of ceilings and walls.
Escutcheons shall be securely fastened to the pipe at surfaces through
which piping passes.
Inspector's Test Connection
NOTE: Designer will indicate location of the
inspector's test connections and all associated
valves on the contract drawings, and will provide
details of drain piping, if drain piping is needed.
Unless otherwise indicated, test connection shall consist of 25 mm 1 inch
pipe connected [to the remote branch line] [at the riser as a combination
test and drain valve]; a test valve located approximately 2 meters 7 feet
above the floor; a smooth bore brass outlet equivalent to the smallest
orifice sprinkler used in the system; and a painted metal identification
sign affixed to the valve with the words "Inspector's Test." The discharge
orifice shall be located outside the building wall directed so as not to
cause damage to adjacent construction or landscaping during full flow
Main drain piping shall be provided to discharge [at a safe point outside
the building] [at the location indicated]. Auxiliary drains shall be
provided as indicated and as required by NFPA 13. When the capacity of
trapped sections of pipe is less than 11 liters, 3 gallons, the auxiliary
drain shall consist of a valve not smaller than 15 mm 1/2 inch and a plug
or nipple and cap. When the capacity of trapped sections of piping is more
than 11 liters, 3 gallons, the auxiliary drain shall consist of two 25 mm 1
inch valves and one 50 x 300 mm 2 x 12 inch condensate nipple or
equivalent, located in an accessible location. Tie-in drains shall be
provided for multiple adjacent trapped branch pipes and shall be a minimum
of 25 mm 1 inch in diameter. Tie-in drain lines shall be pitched a minimum
of 15 mm per 3 mm 1/2 inch per 10 feet.
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