storage battery system. Transfer from normal to emergency power or
restoration from emergency to normal power shall be automatic and shall not
cause transmission of a false alarm.
Storage Batteries
Storage Batteries shall be sealed, lead-calcium type requiring no
additional water. The batteries shall have ample capacity, with primary
power disconnected, to operate the system for a period of 90 hours.
Following this period of operation via batteries, the batteries shall have
ample capacity to operate all alarm indicating devices in the alarm mode
for a minimum period of [15] [_____] minutes. Battery cabinet shall be a
separate [compartment at the bottom of the control panel] [cabinet]. The
battery cabinet shall have adequate space for spare duplicate storage
batteries. Batteries shall be mounted on a noncorrosive and nonconductive
base or pad.
Battery Charger
Battery charger shall be completely automatic, with high/low charging rate,
capable of restoring the batteries from full discharge to full charge
within [12 hours] [_____] using the high charging rate. A separate ammeter
shall be provided for indicating rate of charge. A separate voltmeter
shall be provided to indicate the state of the battery charge. A pilot
light indicating when batteries are manually placed on a high rate of
charge shall be provided as part of the unit assembly. The charger shall
be located in control panel cabinet.
Heat Detectors
NOTE: The location and type of heat detectors and
Delete descriptive paragraphs of detectors types
not used. Alarm indicator should be used only if
necessary to meet project requirements.
Detectors located in areas subject to moisture, exterior atmospheric
for such locations. Detectors shall be listed or approved for 15 m 50 foot
spacing between detectors. The detector shall be equipped with an alarm
indicating light in its base that lights when the detector is in an alarm
condition. [Five] [_____] spare detectors of each type and temperature
rating shall be provided.
Rate Compensation Detector
Detector shall be of the [vertical] [horizontal] spot type with a
temperature classification rating of [ordinary] [intermediate] as defined
by NFPA 72. Detectors listed or approved as "rate anticipation" type will
be accepted. Detector shall automatically reset when temperature drops
below detector temperature rating. Detector shall be hermetically sealed.
Combination Fixed-Temperature and Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
Detector shall consist of two independently operated thermal elements.
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