shall have an exterior alarm box at or near the main
2. For connection to telegraphic positive
non-interfering successive type (PNIS) base fire
alarm system, specify a master fire alarm box when
there is also a need for a new exterior coded fire
there is no requirement for a new exterior fire
alarm box. Use local energy tripping devices unless
approved otherwise by the EFD/EFA Fire Protection
3. For connection to radio fire alarm systems,
specify a radio fire alarm master box when there is
a requirement for an exterior fire alarm box,
otherwise specify an auxiliary transmitter.
Provide auxiliary connection to the base fire alarm system in accordance
with NFPA 72, except as modified herein.
Master Fire Alarm Boxes
Provide master fire alarm boxes of the coded, positive non-interfering type
with succession features having a local energy type auxiliary tripping
device. Boxes shall be of the prewound, open-door pull-lever type.
Mechanism shall be housed in a weatherproof cottage shell housing with
metallic bronze or nickel-alloy or rigid plastic code number plate mounted
on the exterior face of the cottage shell. Operation of the actuating
pull-lever shall cause the box to transmit four complete rounds of code.
Driving springs shall have the capability to transmit not less than 8
complete four round groups of code before being rewound. Boxes shall be
designed for operation at 100 milliamperes and shall be capable of full
operation between 70 and 120 milliamperes DC line current. Boxes shall
have the ability to transmit signals through ground to overcome an open
circuit. Activation of box when a single open fault is present on exterior
fire alarm circuit shall cause box to transmit four complete code rounds
via box earth ground connection. Box mechanism shall be capable of
transmitting signals at varying rates of speed ranging from electrical
impulses at 3 1/4 second intervals to 1/4 second intervals and shall be
field adjustable to any speed within this range. Each box shall have a
manual signaling key, telephone jack, silent test device and box shunt
device. Box code shall be as directed by the Contracting Officer. Box
shall be [wall] [pole] [pedestal]-mounted with center of box 1.5 m 5 feet
above grade. Mounting bolts, brackets, and fastenings shall be copper
alloy or cadmium or zinc-coated steel. Transmitter housing shall be
finished in gloss red enamel. Housing shall have a reflective, highly
visible label imprinted with the word "FIRE" in minimum 50 mm 2 inch block
characters on both sides of the box.
Auxiliary Transmitter
Provide auxiliary transmitters of the coded, positive non-interfering type
with succession features. Transmitters shall be [prewound spring mechanism
type having a local energy type auxiliary tripping device] [or] [solid
state electronic type utilizing form "A" or form "C" dry contacts] which,
when activated by the fire alarm control panel, will transmit four rounds
of code. [Driving springs shall have the capability to transmit not less
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