Provide in accordance with NFPA 72 and as indicated. Do not exceed 80
percent of the listed rating in amperes of any notification appliance
circuit. Additional circuits above those shown shall be provided if
required to meet this requirement. Submit calculations showing compliance
with the above power consumption requirements with the calculations
required by the paragraph titled "Design Data". Effective sound levels
shall comply with NFPA 72. Provide appliances in addition to those shown
if required in order to meet NFPA 72 sound level requirements. Provide
appliances specifically listed for outdoor use in locations exposed to
weather. Finish appliances in red enamel. [For surface mounting provide
appliance manufacturer's approved back box. Back box finish shall match
appliance finish.]
Alarm Bells
[Surface-mounted] [Recessed], 250 mm 10 inch diameter with matching
mounting back box. Bells shall be of the vibrating type suitable for use
in an electrically supervised circuit. Bells shall be of the underdome
type and produce a sound output rating of at least 90 decibels at 3 m 10
Alarm Horns
[Surface-mounted] [Recessed], [[single] [double] projector,] [grill,]
vibrating type suitable for use in an electrically supervised circuit and
shall have a sound output rating of at least 90 decibels at 3 m 10 feet.
Visible Appliances
NOTE: In accordance with the Uniform Federal
Accessibility Standards and the Americans With
Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines provide
visible alarm notification appliances in every
building subject to civilian occupancy. Determine
candela rating based on device spacing in accordance
with Section 6-4 of NFPA 72. Consult the EFD/EFA
Fire Protection Engineer regarding current
requirements for synchronization.
[Surface] [Flush]-mounted assembly of the stroboscopic type suitable for
use in an electrically supervised circuit and powered from the notification
appliance circuit(s). Appliances shall provide a minimum of [15] [30] [75]
[110] candela measured in accordance with UL 1971, but in no case less than
the effective intensity [required by NFPA 72 for the appliance spacing and
location] [shown]. Lamps shall be protected by a thermoplastic lens and
labelled "FIRE" in letters at least 12 mm 1/2 inch high. Provide visible
appliances within 300 mm 12 inches of each audible appliance [and as
indicated]. Visible appliances may be part of an audio-visual assembly.
[Where more than two appliances are located in the same room or corridor,
provide synchronized operation.]
Fire Extinguishing Systems
System contacts are specified in other sections.
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