specification to permit the Contractor the option to
provide 2-wire detectors. For additions to existing
4-wire systems, or when detector auxiliary contacts
are used for critical control functions (such as
elevator recall or air handler shutdown) edit this
specification to require the Contractor to provide
4-wire detectors only.
For further guidance, consult with the Engineering
Field Division (EFD)/Engineering Field Activity
(EFA) Fire Protection Engineer.
NOTE: The following information shall be shown on
1. On electrical power or fire protection floor
plans show location of control panel, battery and
to power source, remote trouble device, alarm
notification appliances, and each initiating device
including fire extinguishing system switches and
manual pull stations.
2. For projects at EFA Northeast do not show open
area heat and smoke detectors. For heat and smoke
detectors provide a table on the drawings indicating
detector types, room locations, and temperature
ratings if applicable.
3. On electrical site plan, show location of master
fire alarm box, outside annunciator (if required),
circuit run to the connection to the base fire alarm
circuit (except radio systems), circuit run into the
building and connection to control panel, and
circuit run for master box marker light. Circuit
runs to the base fire alarm (except radio systems)
should show conduit size and numbers and size of
4. Show single line fire alarm riser diagram.
Connection of equipment should be indicated by
circuit runs and not conduit runs. Do not indicate
number and size of conductors for interconnection of
fire alarm components.
NOTE: When an existing system is to be expanded,
show the following information:
Manufacturer and model of existing control panel.
2. Number of existing initiating circuits (zones),
notification appliance circuits, and control
circuits served by the control panel.
Number of existing alarm notification appliances
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