Software, connecting cables and proprietary equipment, necessary for the
maintenance, testing, and reprogramming of the equipment shall be furnished
to the Contracting Officer. Two spare fuses of each type and size required
shall be furnished. Two percent of the total number of each different type
of detector, but no less than two each, shall be furnished. Spare fuses
shall be mounted in the fire alarm panel.
NOTE: State the make and model number of existing
proprietary supervising station receiving equipment.
depends upon the type of existing fire reporting
system at the activity. When telegraphic systems
activity reporting system (i.e., positive non
interfering or shunt). In most cases a local
energy-tripping device will be required.
The facility Fire Dept. or Engineering office should
be contacted to determine the type and amount of
data to be supervised (monitored), i.e. -type:
separate or common transmission of alarm,
supervisory, and trouble type signals; -amount: all
points, all zones, or the combined premises. Verify
that existing monitoring equipment has sufficient
capacity to support the additional premises or that
it can be expanded as necessary to accommodate the
new fire alarm system. Identify existing components.
Radio Alarm Transmitters
Transmitters shall be compatible with proprietary supervising station
receiving equipment. Each radio alarm transmitter shall be the
manufacturer's recognized commercial product, completely assembled, wired,
factory tested, and delivered ready for installation and operation.
Transmitters shall be provided in accordance with applicable portions of
NFPA 72, NFPA 1221, and 47 CFR 15. Transmitter electronics module shall be
contained within the physical housing as an integral, removable assembly.
The proprietary supervising station receiving equipment is [_____] and the
transceiver shall be fully compatible with this equipment. At the
contractors option, and if UL listed, the transmitter may be housed in the
same panel as the fire alarm control panel.
Each radio alarm transmitter shall be powered by a combination of locally
available 120-volt ac power and a sealed, lead-calcium battery.
a. Operation: Each transmitter shall operate from 120-volt ac power.
In the event of 120-volt ac power loss, the transmitter shall
automatically switch to battery operation. Switchover shall be
accomplished with no interruption of protective service, and shall
automatically transmit a trouble message. Upon restoration of ac
power, transfer back to normal ac power supply shall also be automatic.
Each transmitter shall meet the following requirements: [_____].
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