shall be corrosion resistant and designed to withstand wind velocities of
161 km/h 100 mph. Antennas shall not be mounted to any portion of the
building roofing system.
Master Fire Alarm Boxes
Master fire alarm boxes shall be of the coded, [shunt] [positive]
noninterfering type with succession features having a [shunt] [local
energy] type auxiliary tripping device, and of the prewound, open-door,
pull-lever type. Mechanism shall be housed in a weatherproof cottage shell
type of housing with metallic or rigid plastic code number plate mounted on
the exterior face of the cottage shell. Operation of the actuating pull
lever shall cause the box to transmit four complete rounds of code to
gongs, recorders, and other devices on the same circuit. Driving springs
shall have the capability to transmit not less than eight complete
four-round groups of code before being rewound. Boxes shall be designed
for operation of 100 milliamperes dc, but with capability of full operation
of 70 milliamperes and up to 120 milliamperes. Activation of box, when a
single open fault is present on exterior fire alarm circuit, shall have box
to idle for one complete round only, then immediately transmit four
complete code rounds via the box earth ground connection. Each box shall
be equipped with manual signaling key, telephone jack, silent test device,
and box shunt device. Box shall be [[wall-] [pole-] [pedestal-] mounted]
[as indicated] with center of box 1525 mm 61 inches above grade, and
provided with lighting fixture. Mounting bolts, brackets, fastenings, and
conduit shall be copper alloy, cadmium, or zinc-coated steel. Code wheel
shall be metallic and box code shall be as directed. Electrically powered
master fire alarm boxes shall have standby sealed, lead calcium battery
capacity for a minimum of 72 hours and be capable of transmitting alarms
during that period.
Telephonic Reporting System
Transmitters shall be compatible with existing receiving equipment at the
Supervising Station and shall comply with applicable requirements of UL 632.
Transmitter shall respond to the actuation of the fire alarm control panel
and shall be of the electric motor-driven or prewound spring mechanism
type; it shall transmit not less than four rounds of code. When
motor-driven transmitters are provided, the motor shall be connected to a
supervised circuit in a control panel. Metallic or rigid plastic code
number plates on the exterior face of transmitters shall be provided.
Transmitters shall be designed to provide the same features as the fire
alarm boxes for electrically-supervised, coded [positive] [shunt]
noninterfering type and shall have the ability to transmit signals on
grounded or open circuits. Activation of box when a single open fault is
present on exterior fire alarm circuit shall have box to idle for one
complete round only, then immediately transmit four complete code rounds
via the box earth ground connection. Transmitter shall have a [shunt]
[local energy] type auxiliary tripping device. Code wheel shall be
metallic and box code shall be as directed. Wiring shall be extended to
the indicated telephone terminating location [for future connection by
other] [and connected to specific twisted pair cable identified by the COR
in the field]. [One new [_____]-pair [shielded] [non-shielded]
twisted-pair cable shall be extended to the Supervising Station and
connected to existing terminating equipment.]
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