Visual notification appliances shall conform to the applicable requirements
of UL 1971. Appliances shall have clear high intensity optic lens, xenon
flash tubes, and output white light. Strobe flash rate shall be between 1
to 3 flashes per second and a minimum of 75 candela. Strobe shall be
[surface] [semi-flush] mounted.
Combination Audible/Visual Notification Appliances
Combination audible/visual notification appliances shall provide the same
requirements as individual units, except that they shall mount as a unit in
standard backboxes. Units shall be factory assembled. Any other audible
notification appliance employed in the fire alarm systems shall be approved
by the Contracting Officer.
NOTE: Provide remote annunciator or remote graphic
annunciator only where the fire department would
normally respond through a door remote from the
control panel location. Use graphic annunciators
only for large or complex buildings. Supervisory
LED is for supervision of sprinkler and other
extinguishing systems.
Remote Annunciator
Annunciator shall have indicator LEDs. The LED for the proper zone shall
light upon any alarm. A supervisory LED shall be provided to indicate a
supervisory malfunction. A system trouble LED shall be provided to
indicate a system failure. Annunciator LEDs shall be extinguished only by
operating the alarm reset switch on the control panel. Annunciator shall
contain a LED test switch, an audible trouble signal, and a trouble silence
switch to silence the audible alarm, but not extinguish the trouble LED.
Switches shall be located within a locked panel and easily visible through
a glass or plastic viewing plate. Panel door shall have a keyed lock
identical to the lock on the control panel. Zone identification shall be
by silk-screened or engraved labels and shall consist of word description
of the zone. Annunciator shall be [surface] [semi-flush] [flush] mounted.
Remote Graphic Annunciator
Graphic annunciator shall have a plan view of [each floor] [the building].
Each initiating device (identical devices in the same room may be combined,
as approved) shall be indicated by an LED shown in its relative position in
the building and shall illuminate for abnormal condition in that area.
LEDs shall be red for alarm condition, [_____] for supervisory malfunction
condition, and amber for trouble condition. Plan views shall be
approximately to scale and in no case smaller than [300] [375] mm [12] [15]
inches in length or width. Annunciator shall have a door with piano hinge
and two point cylinder lock or two cylinder locks. Lock shall be operable
using the same key as the control panel. Annunciator shall contain a LED
test switch, audible trouble signal and a trouble switch to silence the
audible alarm, but not extinguish the trouble LED. Annunciator shall be
[surface] [semi-flush] [flush] mounted.
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