must be opened to make routine maintenance adjustments to the
sensor, shall be single pole single throw type.
Enclosure Covers
Covers of pull and junction boxes provided to facilitate initial
installation of the system need not be provided with tamper switches if
they contain no splices or connections, but shall be protected by tack
welding or brazing the covers in place or by tamper resistant security
fasteners. Labels shall be affixed to such boxes indicating they contain
no connections.
Locks and Key-Lock Switches
NOTE: Either round key or conventional key type
locks are acceptable for use in the System.
Selection should be based on hardware availability
at the time of design and the requirements for
matching locks currently in use at the site. If the
locks do not have to be matched to locks in use, and
the designer has no preference, all brackets may be
Locks shall be installed on system enclosures for maintenance purposes.
Locks shall be UL listed, [round-key type, with three dual, one mushroom,
and three plain pin tumblers] [or] [conventional key type lock having a
combination of five cylinder pin and five-point three position side bar].
Keys shall be stamped "U.S. GOVT. DO NOT DUP". The locks shall be so
arranged that the key can only be withdrawn when in the locked position.
All maintenance locks shall be keyed alike and only two keys shall be
furnished for all of these locks. These keys shall be controlled in
accordance with the key control plan.
Key-Lock-Operated Switches
All key-lock-operated switches required to be installed on system
components shall be UL listed, [round-key type, with three dual, one
mushroom, and three plain pin tumblers] [or] [conventional key type lock
having a combination of five cylinder pin and five-point three position
side bar]. Keys shall be stamped "U.S. GOVT. DO NOT DUP".
Key-lock-operated switches shall be two position, with the key removable in
either position. All key-lock-operated switches shall be keyed differently
and only two keys shall be furnished for each key-lock-operated-switch.
These keys shall be controlled in accordance with the key control plan.
Construction Locks
If the Contractor requires locks during installation and construction, a
set of temporary locks shall be used. The final set of locks installed and
delivered to the Government shall not include any of the temporary locks.
Application of System Component
System components shall be designed for continuous operation. Electronic
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