speaker/ microphone nearest the employee. The voice prompts shall only
be used if the employee does not perform the next step in the entry
booth entry control process within a 5 second time window. The system
shall allow enable/disable of voice prompts and adjustment of the time
window under operator control from the central station.
Entry Booth Electrical Requirements
NOTE: The designer will specify whether the
electric strike or lock will fail open or secure.
The designer should coordinate this with
requirements of the site safety and fire personnel.
Life safety will be designed in accordance with NFPA
101, titled, Code for Safety to Life from Fire in
Buildings and Structures.
The entry booth, including associated terminal and facility interface and
other type of devices housed within the entry booth, shall not dissipate
more than 1500 Watts at power source as shown. The booth shall have an
integral battery back-up system. The battery back-up system shall power
the entry control devices and electric door strikes for at least 30
minutes. If ac power is not restored to the booth within 30 minutes, the
doors to the booth shall be [secured] [opened], and the booth shall go into
an inoperative status. Upon restoration of ac power, the booth shall
upload all entry transactions from the local processor subsystem to the
central station.
Vehicle Gate Opener
The vehicle gate shall include housing, mounting hardware, electrical
wiring, and appurtenances as required. The vehicle gate openers shall be
suitable for connection to, and monitoring and control by the system local
and a solenoid actuated brake to prevent gate coasting shall be provided.
The vehicle gate opener shall provide an auto reverse time delay of at
least 1 second and not more than 3 seconds to minimize shock loads on
vehicle gate opener drive components. The vehicle gate opener shall
include a contactor type motor starter which meets or exceeds NEMA size "O"
a. Input Power: The vehicle gate opener shall operate from the
voltage source shown. The vehicle gate opener shall include manual
reset type thermal and electrical overload devices.
b. Audible Warning: The vehicle gate opener shall have an audible
warning system to signal personnel in the vicinity of the vehicle gate
opener that an opening or closing is about to commence. The audible
shall sound at least 2 seconds and no more than 5 seconds before
movement begins.
c. Maximum Run Timer: The vehicle gate opener shall incorporate an
internal maximum run timer which limits the motor run time. The
maximum run time shall be operator adjustable for at least the maximum
amount of time gate opening or closing takes during normal operation.
d. Adjustable Load Monitor for Obstruction Sensing: The vehicle gate
opener shall have an operator adjustable load monitor that shall sense
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