the manufacturer which simulate glass breakage.] When the function of each
component within a particular subsystem, such as each sensor within a
particular zone, is verified, certify that subsystem of the entire IDS has
satisfactorily met the specifications. Test each subsystem similarly until
each detection zone has been certified. When subsystem certification is
complete, test the entire integrated system to ensure that subsystem
elements are compatible and function as a complete system. The integrated
system test shall be accomplished in linear fashion, end-to-end, and shall
verify that each simulated intrusion performed within each detection zone
produces an appropriate alarm or signal, and that alarm is correctly
annunciated at the keypad [and central station receiver].
Provide for
approval, not later than 30 days prior to formal inspection and test, a
detailed operational test plan of how each component, subsystem, and entire
IDS will be tested. When tests are complete and corrections made, submit a
signed and dated certificate with a request for formal inspection and tests.
Formal Inspection and Test
Final Inspection
[The Contracting Officer] [An authorized representative of the Contracting
Officer of the [_____] Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command,]
will witness formal tests after receipt of written certification that
preliminary tests have been completed and that the system is ready for
final inspection. Repeat preliminary tests and functional and operational
tests conducted, as requested by the Contracting Officer. Correct defects
and conduct additional tests to demonstrate that the system conforms to
this section.
Final Test
Test each sensor within a detection zone and then test the entire zone in
accordance with applicable test procedures in the test plan for the sensors
incorporated within that zone. As the test in that zone is proceeding,
modifications or adjustments are prohibited. If, subsequent to the test, a
modification or adjustment is necessary, retest the zone in the presence of
the authorized representative of the Contracting Officer. Test other
components individually within each subsystem. Component/subsystem failure
shall require retesting after needed repairs or adjustments have been
accomplished. In the interest of efficiency, major elements in a subsystem
may be tested even if corrections for minor elements have not been
completed. [When testing is complete, the test plan, together with
procedures and data sheets, shall become the basis of the final acceptance
report. The test report documents and verifies the Government's acceptance
and approval of equipment and installation required by the contract.]
Fuses and Lamps
The Contractor is responsible for replacing blown fuses and burned out
lamps during testing and will have on hand, prior to scheduling tests, not
less than six spare lamps and fuses for each type, size, and rating of
fuses and lamps used in the equipment provided under this section. Spare
fuses and lamps not used during testing shall be turned over to the
Contracting Officer.
Training Operating and Maintenance Personnel
Furnish instruction for operating staff in system operation and operator
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