Exterior Conditions
Components mounted in locations exposed to weather shall be housed in
Component performance shall not degrade because of improper housing design.
Components in enclosures shall meet performance requirements when exposed
to ambient conditions specified by UL for the specific equipment or device.
Intrusion detection, communication, and power circuits that lead to the
control communicator shall be protected against lightning and voltage
transients. Surge suppression device shall conform to UL 1449. Rated
single pulse transient energy by metal oxide varistor (MOV) (10 times 1000
microseconds joules) shall be 300 in normal mode (line to neutral) and 280
in common mode (line and neutral to ground); maximum single pulse transient
current by MOV (8 times 20 microseconds amperes peak) shall be 26,000 in
both modes, for 120 volts AC circuits. Breakdown voltage shall be 240
volts DC; maximum clamping voltage shall be 287 volts DC peak; maximum
transient current shall be 4500 (8 by 20 microseconds amperes peak by MOV,
for communications circuits. The protective device shall be automatic and
resettable and shall be active at all times. Fuses shall not be permitted
maximum of 25 ohms to ground.
NOTE: National Post Telephone and Telegraph are
normally the approving authority for EMR components
Provide only IDS components which are [FCC] [_____] licensed and approved.
Provide system components which are electromagnetically compatible.
Like components shall be physically and functionally interchangeable as
complete items, without modification of either the original items or of
other components with which the items are used.
IDS components shall conform to application rules and requirements of NFPA
70 and applicable Underwriters Laboratories publications.
Human Engineering
Aural considerations shall include location of annunciators, tone pitch,
quality, and intensity. The number of different audible signals shall not
exceed four. Component design shall provide for ease of accessibility for
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