training provider may be required to be "accredited"
by either the State or the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).
Submit a certificate for each employee and supervisor, signed and dated by
the [authorized] training provider [meeting 40 CFR 745 (Subpart L)
requirements], stating that the employee or supervisor has received the
required lead training [and is certified to perform or supervise deleading
or lead removal]. [Submit proof the work will be performed by a certified
Testing Laboratory
Submit the name, address, and telephone number of the testing laboratory
selected to perform the air [and wipe] [and soil] sampling, testing, and
reporting of airborne concentrations of lead. Use a laboratory accredited
under the EPA National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (NLLAP) by
either the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) or the
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and that is successfully
participating in the Environmental Lead Proficiency Analytical Testing
(ELPAT) program to perform sample analysis. Laboratories selected to
perform blood lead analysis shall be OSHA approved.
Third Party Consultant Qualifications
NOTE: Refer to Criteria Notes in paragraphs titled
"Air and Wipe Sampling" and "Clearance
Certification" to determine whether this paragraph
should be included in the project.
Submit the name, address, and telephone number of the third party
consultant selected to perform the wipe sampling for determining
concentrations of lead in dust or soil sampling. Submit proper
documentation that the consultant is trained and certified as an inspector
technician or inspector/risk assessor by the USEPA authorized State (or
local) certification and accreditation program.
Competent Person (CP) Responsibilities
a. Verify training meets all federal, State, and local requirements.
b. Review and approve lead-based paint/paint with lead removal/control
plan for conformance to the applicable standards. Ensure work is
performed in strict accordance with specifications at all times.
c. Continuously inspect lead-based paint removal/control work for
conformance with the approved plan.
d. Perform air and wipe sampling.
e. Control work to prevent hazardous exposure to human beings and to
the environment at all times.
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