products containing more than 1 percent asbestos.
Nonfriable ACM (Category II): A NESHAP term defined in 40 CFR 61,
Subpart E and EPA 340/1-90/018 meaning any material, excluding
Category I nonfriable ACM, containing more than 1 percent asbestos.
Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs):
(1) PEL-Time weighted average(TWA): Concentration of asbestos
not in excess of 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter of air (f/cc) as
an 8 hour time weighted average (TWA).
(2) PEL-Excursion Limit: An airborne concentration of asbestos
not in excess of 1.0 f/cc of air as averaged over a sampling
period of 30 minutes.
Regulated Area: An OSHA term defined in 29 CFR 1926.1101 meaning
an area established by the Contractor to demarcate areas where
Class I, II, and III asbestos work is conducted; also any
adjoining area where debris and waste from such asbestos work
accumulate; and an area within which airborne concentrations of
asbestos exceed, or there is a reasonable possibility they may
exceed, the permissible exposure limit.
Removal: All operations where ACM is taken out or stripped from
structures or substrates, and includes demolition operations.
Repair: Overhauling, rebuilding, reconstructing, or
reconditioning of structures or substrates, including
encapsulation or other repair of ACM attached to structures or
Surfacing ACM: Asbestos-containing material which contains more
than 1% asbestos and is sprayed-on, troweled-on, or otherwise
applied to surfaces, such as acoustical plaster on ceilings and
fireproofing materials on structural members, or other materials
on surfaces for acoustical, fireproofing, or other purposes.
Thermal system insulation (TSI) ACM: ACM which contains more
than 1% asbestos and is applied to pipes, fittings, boilers,
breeching, tanks, ducts, or other interior structural components
A generic name for asbestos cement wallboard and pipe.
Worker: Individual (not designated as the Competent Person or a
supervisor) who performs asbestos work and has completed asbestos
worker training required by 29 CFR 1926.1101, to include EPA Model
Accreditation Plan (MAP) "Worker" training; accreditation if
required by the OSHA Class of work to be performed or by the state
where the work is to be performed.
NOTE: Submittals must be limited to those necessary
for adequate quality control. The importance of an
item in the project should be one of the primary
factors in determining if a submittal for the item
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