protection, insulated joint and bond tests, and holiday coating
test. Each test report shall indicate the final position of
controls. A certified test report showing that the connecting
method has passed a 120-day laboratory test without failure at the
place of connection, wherein the anode is subjected to maximum
recommended current output while immersed in a 3 percent sodium
chloride solution.
Contractor's Modifications[; G][; G, [_____]]
Final report regarding supplemental magnesium anode
installation. The report shall include pipe-to-soil measurements
throughout the affected area, indicating that the additions
corrected the conditions which made the additional anodes
necessary, and current measurements for the additional anodes.
The following special materials and information are required:
Calculations on current and voltage for [100 V] [40 V] [_____]
rectifier plus rectifier and meter specifications; taping
materials and conductors; zinc grounding cell, installation and
testing procedures, and equipment; coating material; system design
calculations for rectifier, anode number, life, and parameters to
achieve protective potential; backfill shield material and
installation details showing waterproofing; bonding and
waterproofing details; insulated resistance wire; exothermic weld
equipment and material.
SD-07 Certificates
Cathodic Protection System
Proof that the materials and equipment furnished under this
section conform to the specified requirements contained in the
referenced standards or publications. The label or listing by the
specified agency will be acceptable evidence of such compliance.
Services of "Corrosion Expert"[; G][; G, [_____]]
Evidence of qualifications of the "corrosion expert".
(a) The "corrosion expert's" name and qualifications shall be
certified in writing to the Contracting Officer prior to the start
of construction.
(b) Certification shall be submitted giving the name of the
firm, the number of years of experience, and a list of not less
than five (5) of the firm's installations three (3) or more years
old that have been tested and found satisfactory.
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Cathodic Protection System
[Six] [_____] copies of operating manual outlining the
step-by-step procedures required for system startup, operation,
adjustment of current flow, and shutdown. The manuals shall
include the manufacturer's name, model number, service manual,
parts list, and brief description of all equipment and their basic
operating features. [Six] [_____] copies of maintenance manual
listing routine maintenance procedures, recommendation for
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