Lead-lined masonry units offer the advantages that
they are relatively simple to construct, provide
considerable structural strength, and may be
surfaced easily with plaster. However, the cost is
considerably higher (up to a specific kV) than using
lead-lined wallboard, lath, panels, concrete, or
Lead-lined concrete masonry units shall conform to ASTM C 129, Type 1.
Each unit shall have a single thickness of unpierced lead sheet bonded or
anchored permanently in the center of the unit/block. Blocks shall be
constructed to provide an effective lead lap between adjoining blocks
either by the overlapping of lead in adjoining blocks or by lead bars at
block joints when erected. Nominal dimensions for full-size units shall be
300 x 300 by [100] [150] mm 12 x 12 by [4] [6] inches. Nominal dimensions
for half-size units shall be 150 x 300 x by [100] [150] mm 6 x 12 by [4]
[6] inches. Units 100 mm 4 inches thick shall be used for shielding
requirements up to 6 mm 1/4 inch of lead, and 150 mm 6 inch thick units
shall be used for shielding requirements above 6 mm 1/4 inch of lead.
NOTE: When a matching finish is not required,
specify prefinished panels.
Lead-lined panels shall be unpierced sheet lead laminated to hardwood
veneer plywood conforming to HPVA HP-1, not less than 9 mm 3/8 inch thick.
The lead sheet shall extend the full height and width of the panels except
for applications at corners, frames, and other similar locations. The lead
sheet may extend beyond the edge of the panels to form effective lead laps.
Face veneer shall be [birch] [mahogany] [red gum] [red oak] [white oak].
Face veneer shall [have an approved natural finish] [be polished sanded]
[have a primary coat of varnish, lacquer, or synthetic coating].
Lead-lined lath shall have a single thickness unpierced sheet of lead
laminated to gypsum lath, conforming to ASTM C 37/C 37M, Type 1, Grade R,
Class 1, Form a, Style 1, 9 mm 3/8 inch thick, so that the lead extends 25
mm 1 inch beyond lath on one long side and one short side.
Lead-lined gypsum wallboard shall be a single thickness of unpierced lead
laminated to [13] [16] mm [1/2] [5/8] inch thick gypsum board conforming to
ASTM C 36/C 36M, Type III, Grade R, Class 1, Form a, [Style 1] [Style 3].
Leaded glass shall be clear X-ray protective quality glass in single or
multiple thicknesses. Leaded glass shall have lead equivalence required
for the shield wall, door, or partition in which the leaded glass is
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