Expansion and chemically bonded anchors should only
be allowed when test data show they are applicable
for seismic loading. ASTM E 488 provides a means of
testing expansion anchors for seismic loading. In
lieu of tests, the designer may specify approval of
the expansion anchors by a governmental organization
such as the City of Los Angeles or the State of
California office of Statewide Health Planning and
Development (OSHPD).
The edge distance and spacing between anchor bolts
greatly affect the shear and tension capacity of the
bolts. The spacing will depend on the type of
anchor, the diameter, and the length of embedment.
The manufacturer should provide data for the minimum
edge distance and bolt spacing needed to achieve the
rated values and also ways to reduce the allowables
if the edge distance or spacing is less than
Expansion or chemically bonded anchors shall not be used unless test data
in accordance with ASTM E 488 has been provided to verify the adequacy of
the specific anchor and application. Expansion or chemically bonded
anchors shall not be used to resist pull-out in overhead and wall
installations if the adhesive is manufactured with temperature sensitive
epoxies and the location is accessible to a building fire. Expansion and
chemically bonded anchors shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations. The allowable forces shall be adjusted for
the spacing between anchor bolts and the distance between the anchor bolt
and the nearest edge, as specified by the manufacturer.
General Testing
NOTE: Expansion and chemically bonded anchors
should be tested after installation. Testing every
expansion anchor is not necessary or practical;
therefore a reasonable rate of testing should be
developed depending on the importance of the job.
There are two methods of testing: Torque wrench and
pullout testing. The torque test is easier and
cheaper and usually gives a good indication of
installation quality; the pullout test gives a
better indication of the strength of both expansion
not apply to expansion bolts which are anchored by
hammering the sleeve over a cone such as self
Expansion and chemically bonded anchors shall be tested in place after
installation. The tests shall occur not more than [24] [_____] hours after
installation of the anchor and shall be conducted by an independent testing
agency; testing shall be performed on random anchor bolts as described
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