Bracing shall conform to the arrangements shown. Trapeze-type hanger shall
be secured with not less than two 13 mm 1/2 inch bolts.
NOTE: The designer will be guided by the results of
the seismic analysis to determine the expected
drift of the building; this information is needed
for the pipe joint designs required in Section
Sway braces for a piping run shall not be attached to two dissimilar
structural elements of a building that may respond differentially during an
earthquake unless a flexible joint is provided.
NOTE: The designer will ensure that foundations and
anchor bolts for pad-mounted or floor-mounted
equipment are detailed and designed in accordance
with TI 809-04. When the designer has the necessary
size, weight, and other information for a piece of
equipment, the anchorage details including sizes,
length and number of bolts, thickness and
reinforcing of pads and foundations for that piece
of equipment will be shown by the designer on the
drawings. When this information is not available,
it will be the A-E responsibility to design the
support and anchorage for the equipment in
accordance with the specified requirements.
If the calculated seismic forces would cause the
equipment to uplift, the anchor bolts should be
designed for combined shear and tension.
Floor or pad mounted equipment shall use cast-in-place anchor bolts, except
as specified below. [One nut] [Two nuts] shall be provided on each bolt.
Anchor bolts shall conform to ASTM A 307. Anchor bolts shall have an
embedded straight length equal to at least 12 times nominal diameter of the
bolt. Anchor bolts that exceed the normal depth of equipment foundation
piers or pads shall either extend into concrete floor or the foundation
shall be increased in depth to accommodate bolt lengths.
Expansion or Chemically Bonded Anchors
NOTE: Cast-in-place anchors should be used to
anchor equipment for seismic loads since there is
considerable experience suggesting that expansion
and chemically bonded anchors may come loose during
a fire, and do not perform well for vibrating
equipment or for other types of cyclic loading, such
as earthquakes.
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