all of the items contained in the operations and maintenance instructions,
as well as demonstrations of routine maintenance operations. Contracting
Officer shall be notified at least 14 days prior to date of proposed
conduction of training course.
For Final Acceptance
Contractor shall remove labels, fingerprints, and clean all surfaces both
inside and out. Tightly cover and protect fixtures and equipment against
rust, dirt, water, and chemical or mechanical injury. Marred surfaces
shall be repaired, patched, and touched-up as suitable for conditions.
Marred Surfaces Exposed-to-View
Marred exposed surfaces that affect appearance, such as both interior and
exterior cabinet finishes, shall be finished to match the adjacent
finishes, like new. Parts that cannot be refinished in this manner shall
be replaced.
Concealed Marred Surfaces
Marred surfaces exposed to atmosphere, where such surfaces do not affect
product's appearance but do affect resistance to elements, such as
galvanized pipes and insulation shall be finished to equal resistance
performance as the unmarred surfaces.
-- End of Section --
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