Filter Tank
NOTE: Provide seismic details if a Government
designer (either Corps ofice of A/E) is the Engineer
of record, and show on the drawings. Delete the
bracketed phrase, in the last sentence, if seismic
details are not provided. Sections 13080 and
15070A, properly edited, must be included in the
contract documents.
The filter tank shall be a cylindrical, sloped-bottom tank with the
dimensions shown and shall be of [epoxy coated carbon steel] [type 304
stainless steel] [fiberglass reinforced plastic] [_____] construction, free
from physical imperfections. The tank shall be constructed with a minimum
number of pieces. Minimum thickness of metal parts exposed to the water
shall be [_____]. The tank shall be fitted with lifting lugs to facilitate
handling and placement. The filter tank shall have sufficient support to
withstand wind speed in excess of [_____] km/hour mph and designed for
seismic forces in accordance with Sections 13080 SEISMIC PROTECTION FOR
EQUIPMENT [as shown on the drawings]..
Filter Media
Filter media shall be silica sand. Total depth of filtration media shall
be [_____] m feet. All media shall conform to the requirements of AWWA B100.
Influent Dosing System
NOTE: Each continuous backwash filter manufacturer
has a particular influent dosing system. The
influent dosing system should be specified only to
the extent necessary to achieve the project
The influent dosing system shall deliver the influent stream uniformly over
the entire media bed. The influent water shall be introduced to the
[bottom] [top] of the filter tank. All components of the dosing system
shall be constructed of [stainless steel] [fiberglass reinforced plastic]
Effluent Collection System
The effluent shall be collected by [discharge of filtrate overflow over an
effluent weir constructed of [stainless steel] [fiberglass reinforced
plastic] [_____] and being placed and having dimensions as shown on the
Construction Drawings.] [a filtrate line connected to a filtrate chamber
consisting of a cylinder with a wedgewire screen periphery and hood. The
screen shall be constructed of stainless steel trapezoidal bars having an
opening smaller than the finest media grain. The effluent collection
system shall be configured and have the dimensions as shown on the
Construction Drawings.] [_____] effluent shall be discharged through a
[_____] mm inch diameter [stainless steel] [fiberglass reinforced] [_____]
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