VSA systems are generally used for systems that
generate greater than 900 kg (2000 pounds) per day.
For liquid oxygen (LOX) tanks, smaller than the
minimum capacity stated in NFPA 50, state that the
requirements indicated in the standard are to be
applied to the tank size specified. LOX tanks
should not be located inside a treatment facility.
This paragraph contains statements describing a
complete manufactured unit, usually a standard
catalog item; statements may include descriptive
requirements for the materials, specific
fabrication, finishes, and function. Separate
paragraphs for each different item should be used
when appropriate. The name used for the
manufactured unit must be consistent throughout the
Generally, skid mounted equipment is preferred;
however, this may not be possible with larger oxygen
generation units (greater than 225 kg (500 pounds)
per day). Verify dimensions with manufacturers to
ensure the skid mounted units are transportable and
do not have an excessively large space requirement
over equipment that is field assembled. The
following paragraphs may need to be modified to
allow assembly, wiring, and plumbing in the field.
Additional information is contained in ETL
Swing Adsorption Oxygen Generation System
The Oxygen Generation System shall be Swing Adsorption type. [Pressure
swing adsorption (PSA)] [Vacuum swing adsorption (VSA)] system equipment
shall be a complete unit process, including the compressor, [particulate
instrument air dryer, adsorbent beds, adsorbent material, [oxygen
receiver,] controller and other equipment as required by the manufacturer
to provide a complete and operational oxygen generation system. [The unit]
[Each component] shall be completely wired requiring only [interconnecting
wiring between components] [an external connection for a single external
power supply and remote monitoring] [and control] be done in the field.
[PSA] [VSA] system equipment shall include all work from the outside air
inlet to the ozone generator inlet connection. The [PSA] [VSA] system
shall be a continuous output system with the following characteristics:
Min. oxygen generation capacity
[_____] kg/day lbs/day
Oxygen purity (minimum)
[90] [_____] percent
[30] [_____] degrees C
[86] [_____] degrees F
Dewpoint maximum (below 0 degrees)
[60] [_____] degrees C
[76] [_____] degrees F
Oxygen utilization efficiency (min.)
[40] [_____] percent
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