Aspect Ratio
The system shall have a minimum aspect ratio (ratio of channel length to
hydraulic radius) of 15 per lamp bank.
The physical layout of the system shown is based on equipment manufactured
by [_____]. If UV equipment proposed is sufficiently different than that
shown, the Contractor shall submit detailed, modified layout drawings and
descriptions for approval by the Contracting Officer within 5 working days
following Notice to Proceed. The Contractor shall also obtain approval, if
applicable, from the State permitting authority for the sufficiently
different equipment and layout proposed within [15] [_____] working days
following Notice to Proceed.
Standard Products
Material and equipment shall be the standard product of a manufacturer
regularly engaged in the manufacture of the product and shall essentially
duplicate equipment that has been in satisfactory operation for at least 2
years prior to bid opening. Equipment shall be supported by a service
organization that is, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, reasonably
convenient to the site.
Metal in contact with plant effluent shall be either Type 316 or Type 304
stainless steel, passivated. Wiring which may be exposed to UV light shall
be of a material that resists degradation by UV light. Material exposed to
UV light shall be stainless steel, passivated; quartz;
polytetrafluoroethylene or other UV resistant material.
Equipment Construction
UV Lamp Module
Module shall consist of lamps with each lamp placed in an
individual sleeve. Module shall be capable of being withdrawn as
a unit and replaced without interrupting operation of any other
module, shall be self-supporting in the channel, and shall be
capable of supporting a weight of 90 kg 200 pounds.
Horizontal lamp module shall have lamps in sleeves sealed and
supported in a NEMA 6P stainless steel frame. Electrical wires
which carry power to the lamps and ballasts shall be completely
enclosed in the frame and shall be isolated from the wastewater.
The frame shall be capable of protecting lamps and sleeves from
foreign material or debris within the channel.
Vertically oriented module shall have lamps installed in a
weatherproof, watertight enclosure. Sleeve shall be fitted to the
enclosure using compression fitting and neoprene gasket. Wiring
shall have numbered terminal strips which correspond to the
numbering in the main power panel. Lamp enclosure shall be fitted
with a waterproof wiring connector to allow the enclosure to be
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