made as may be necessary to comply with these specifications.
Comminutor Tests
NOTE: Delete the paragraph when comminutor is not
required for plant. For plants of 1.09 L/s 25,000
GPD capacity and below, the comminutor and bar
screen unit may be omitted, and in lieu thereof, a
screening basket provided in the aeration tank. For
installations in which all sewage has passed through
a comminutor and bar screen upstream of the plant, a
comminutor and bar screen unit need not be provided
as a part of the plant equipment.
The comminutor shall be operated with liquid flowing through the
comminutor. After two hours of operation, overheating, noise, vibration,
and speed of the motor and comminutor shall be checked. The automatic
reversing of the comminutor shall be checked when an object is lodged in
the cutting stream.
Mechanical Aerator Tests
NOTE: Delete paragraph when step aeration type or
complete mixing type is specified or when mechanical
aerator is not allowed for extended aeration type.
Mechanical aerator may not be suitable for use in
areas having prolonged periods of sub-freezing
temperatures when spray may form accumulation of
ice. Consideration should be given to temperature
and detention time of the liquid and freeboard in
the tank in determining temperatures that may be
tolerated. Mechanical aerator is not suitable for
extended aeration type where eventual conversion to
step aeration is contemplated.
Mechanical aerator(s) shall be tested as soon as practicable after
installation, and the aeration tank is ready for use. The aerator shall be
operated under the varying submergence conditions specified in the factory
test. During these tests, the unit(s) shall operate without overheating or
excessive vibration and shall be satisfactory in every respect. The
initial operation of the aerator and the conduct of the field tests shall
be under the supervision of the plant manufacturer. The Contractor shall
supply such labor and materials as may be necessary to properly perform the
tests. During the tests, operating data shall be taken at regular
intervals and incorporated in a report. Data readings shall be based on
plant meters, gages, and instruments, and shall include the following:
pressures and temperatures.
Blower-Driven Assembly Operation Tests
Blower-driven assembly shall be tested as soon as practicable after
installation and the aeration tank is ready for use. The blower shall be
operated under varying capacities and discharge pressures covering the
range of conditions specified. During these tests, the units shall operate
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