in blank below using format per UFC 1-300-02.
NOTE: Delete "cathodic protection" when concrete
plant only is specified.
Sequence of operations shall, in general, follow the recommendations of the
plant manufacturer. Installation of plant shall not begin until the
concrete support slab has achieved not less than fifty percent of its
maximum strength. Backfilling operations as specified in [_____] shall be
modified as recommended by the instructions of the plant manufacturer. All
welding, [cathodic protection] alignment, water tightness testing,
painting, and anchoring shall be completed, inspected, and approved before
any backfilling is done.
All parts and components of the plant shall be clearly match marked,
Qualification of Welders
All welding shall be done by welders qualified and in accordance with AWS
Piping shall be installed to true alignment and rigidly supported.
Mechanical joints shall be made in accordance with the requirements of AWWA
C600. Flanged joints shall be made up tight, care being taken to avoid
undue strain on flanges, valves, fittings and other equipment and
accessories. Screwed joints shall be made up tight with a stiff mixture of
graphite and oil, inert filler and oil, or an approved graphite compound,
applied to the male threads only. Threads shall be full cut; not more than
three threads on the pipe shall remain exposed.
Settling Tank Floor
NOTE: Delete requirements for signal transmission
to the chlorinator when hypochlorinator is
specified. Hypochlorinator should be specified for
all plants 4.38 L/s 100,000 GPD capacity and below.
Chlorinator should be specified for all plants 6.57
L/s 150,000 GPD capacity and above. Betwee 4.38 and
6.57 L/s 100,000 and 150,000 GPD capacity either is
suitable. Selection should be made on basis of
existing station or base practices, local
availability, and comparative costs.
When rotating sludge collector is used, work shall be as hereinbefore
specified through placing of tank floor except for sludge cone, which shall
be in accordance with recommendations of the plant manufacturer. The tank
floor shall then be given a screed finish, after which it shall be
roughened by scoring with a rake or similar tool. Following installation
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