shall be sandblasted in accordance with SSPC SP 6 and shop coated with two
coats of epoxy polyamide conforming to SSPC Paint 16 applied to a minimum
dry film thickness of 0.20 mm 8 mils per coat. The maximum time between
coats shall be 72 hours. The following items shall be finished in
accordance with manufacturer's standard practice suitable for end use
environment: blowers, motors, gearmotors, motor-driven speed reducers,
shafts, [comminutor] [chlorinator] [hypochlorinator ] and pushbutton
stations. Aluminum shall have an AA-CC-22-A41 finish. Stainless steel,
stellite and nonferrous metals shall not be coated. Exposed surfaces of
concrete tanks shall be provided with two coats of rubber-based paint,
gloss or semi-gloss, conforming to FS TT-P-95. Blower housing,
[chlorinator] [hypochlorinator] housing, and electrical control system
enclosure shall be cleaned and sanded. Any external marks or scratches
that remain after sanding shall be filled with an epoxy plastic resin and
then ground smooth leaving a smooth level surface. All surfaces of
housings and enclosures shall be coated with zinc-molybdate primer
conforming to FS TT-P-645, and finish coat conforming to MIL-E-24635 or FS
TT-E-1593, color as directed. All exterior surfaces of piping which
subject to total or intermittent submersion shall be given a vinyl paint
system in accordance with SSPC PS 4.02. All exterior surfaces of piping
that is not subject to submersion or which is buried shall be given a coal
tar coating system in accordance with SSPC PS 10.01.
Electrical components of mechanical equipment and systems such as motors,
starters, chart drives, electrical disconnecting (isolating) means, and
controls shall be provided under this section and shall be as specified
herein and as necessary for complete and operable systems. Motors shall
conform to NEMA MG 1. Interconnecting wiring for factory-wired plant
components shall be provided as an integral part of the plant. All
interconnecting power wiring and conduit for field erected plant components
and control wiring, rated over 100 volts, and conduit shall conform to the
requirements of Division 16. Wiring fo signal circuit shall be provided as
recommended by the equipment manufacturer. The work shall be in accordance
with NFPA 70.
NOTE: When two or more 22.0 L/s 0.5 MGD or four or
more 11 L/s 0.25 MGD sewage treatment plants are
contracted for at one time, select the alternative
All factory tests shall be conducted by the manufacturer of the package
sewage treatment plant [in the presence of the [Contracting Officer]
[Contractor Quality Control representative]].
Mechanical Aerator
NOTE: Delete paragraph and subparagraph thereto
when step aeration type or complete mixing type is
specified, or when mechanical aerator is not allowed
for extended aeration type. Mechanical aerator may
not be suitable for use in areas having prolonged
periods of sub-freezing temperatures when spray may
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