NOTE: Delete reference to hypochlorinator when
chlorinator is specified. Hypochlorinator should be
specified for all plants 4.38 L/s 100,000 GPD
capacity and below. Chlorinator should be specified
for all plants 6.57 L/s 150,000 GPD capacity and
above. Between 4.38 L/s and 6.57 L/s 100,000 GPD
and 150,000 GPD capacity either is suitable.
Selection should be made on basis of existing
station or base practices, local availability, and
comparative costs.
needed to step down incoming service voltage.
NOTE: Delete "chlorinator housing heater" or
"hypochlorinator housing heating device" in areas
where freezing temperatures are not encountered,
depending on whether chlorinator or hypochlorinator
is specified. Hypochlorinator should be specified
for all plants 4.38 L/s 100,000 GPD capacity and
below. Chlorinator should be specified for all
plants 6.57 L/s 150,000 GPD capacity and above.
Between 4.38 L/s and 6.57 L/s 100,000 GPD and
150,000 GPD capacity either is suitable. Selection
should be made on basis of existing station or base
practices, local availability, and comparative costs.
[comminutor,] [mechanical aerator(s),] froth control system pump, [sludge
collector drive motor (when used),] [hypochlorinator,] control circuit,
[control circuit transformer,] flow meter, [chlorinator housing heater,]
[hypochlorinator housing heating device,] chart drive motor, lighting
circuit(s), and receptacle. Panel shall include spaces for 4 additional
circuit breakers.
Starters, Contactors, and Reset Buttons
NOTE: Delete reference to mechanical aerator when
step aeration type or complete mixing type is
specified, or when not allowed for extended aeration
type. Mechanical aerator may not be suitable for
use in areas having prolonged periods of
sub-freezing temperatures when spray may form
accumulation of ice. Consideration should be given
to temperature and detention time of the liquid and
freeboard in the tank in determining temperatures
that may be tolerated. Mechanical aerator is not
suitable for extended aeration type where eventual
conversion to step aeration is contemplated.
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