supports shall be adjustable type with provision for firm anchorage. Where
support is from tank walls, welded steel brackets shall be provided with
anchor chair.
The effluent flow measuring equipment shall be V-notch weir and flowmeter.
V-Notch Weir
The V-notch weir measuring channel for measuring effluent of plant shall be
made of 6 mm 1/4 inch steel with a stainless steel or aluminum 1.05 rad 60
degree V-notch weir plate. The notch shall be cut with extreme accuracy
and care to maintain sharp upstream edges and exact cross section, the
downstream edge shall be beveled. The upstream face of the weir plate
shall be flat and smooth; any bolts or rivets used to fasten the plate
shall be countersunk flush with the plate. Bolt holes shall include
provision for adjustment of height and level. The bottom of the notch
shall be approximately 125 mm 5 inches above the floor of the channel and
the invert of the channel outlet. The invert of the inlet shall be at the
same elevation as the bottom of the V-notch. A 250 mm 10 inch long scale
for measuring the water depth upstream of the weir shall be provided and
securely fastened in the channel. Scale shall be stainless steel with
baked-on enamel. The channel shall be rectangular, and provided with a
baffle and 50 mm 2 inch drain and plug. Inlet and outlet connections shall
be ASME B16.1 200 mm, 862 kPa 8 inch, 125 lb. A flow chart of the 1.05 rad
60 degree V-notch weir shall be furnished, indicating flow in L/s thousand
gallons per day. Capacity of weir and channel shall be not less than
capacity of plant at peak flows.
Flow Meter
NOTE: Delete "transmitting" when hypochlorinator is
specified. Hypochlorinator should be specified for
all plants 4.38 L/s 100,000 GPD capacity and below.
Chlorinator should be specified for all plants 6.57
L/s 150,000 GPD capacity and above. Between 4.38
L/s and 6.57 L/s 100,000 GPD and 150,000 GPD
capacity either is suitable. Selection should be
made on basis of existing station or base practices,
local availability, and comparative costs.
NOTE: Delete reference either to recorder or to
recorder-totalizer-indicator. A recorder-totalizer-
indicator should be specified instead of a recorder
when it is necessary to keep records of total flow.
NOTE: Delete last part of first sentence when
hypochlorinator is specified.
Flow meter shall include in-stream float or float-and-cable mechanism for
differential measurement and a [transmitting] [recorder]
[recorder-totalizer-indicator] for local read-out [and for transmission to
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