The identified threat criteria should be recorded in
will indicate the applicable threats, selected from
Table I below, under paragraph COMPONENT TEST
REQUIREMENTS or in door, window, or other component
schedules as appropriate.
There is no single, uniform standard for bullet
parameters. Variables include firing distance to
the test component; number of shots fired and
proximity to each other; and failure criteria, such
as penetration, amount of spall or further
operability of the item. Most ballistic threats are
material, or on spall of the material to the degree
that injury would be caused to a person standing
behind the material. Some standards require only
material specimen testing rather than testing of
complete assemblies. This enables a designer to
specify materials as bullet resistant, but does not
ensure that fasteners, anchors, frames, etc., are
bullet resistant. Designer should:
(1) Verify criteria requirements, define threats
using standards which test complete assemblies and
specify threat accordingly, or
(2) Specify that all materials and connections be
certified to resist the specified threat.
Some standards also include different temperature
requirements depending upon whether the component is
for indoor or outdoor installation. Verify testing
requirements with specification of components.
Designer will also note adverse environmental
conditions which require galvanized coatings on
carbon steel, stainless steel, or criteria such as
temperature, weather, humidity, ventilation, and
application. If necessary, designer will explain
existing conditions through statements or by
references to documents where information such as
existing structures or geophysical reports can be
Most bullet-resistant components are custom
fabricated from manufacturer's standard designs.
Coordinate installation details with adjacent
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