shall be approved prior to beneficial occupancy.
NOTE: In the event that the designer chooses to
design and detail the component for shop
fabrication, the materials and construction should
be specified in Section 05500A MISCELLANEOUS METAL.
Bullet-resisting ratings of metals shall be
determined by ballistics tests in accordance with
the threat specified in paragraph COMPONENT TEST
Materials and components shall be the standard products of a manufacturer
regularly engaged in the manufacture of such products unless otherwise
indicated and detailed on the drawings, and shall essentially duplicate
items that have been in satisfactory use for at least two years prior to
bid opening. Components shall be supported by a service organization that
is, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, reasonably convenient to the
site, or by the manufacturer. Where components are detailed on the
drawings and do not conform to a manufacturer's standard product,
components shall be constructed of manufacturer's standard materials which
conform to the specified ballistic standard or test.
NOTE: The threat must be identified before
selection of the applicable test standard from Table
I. If project criteria includes more than one
threat, each component will be correlated with the
appropriate regulation or standard it is required to
meet. Coordinate with the drawings.
The design threat must be determined based on the
importance of the assets in the facility, facility
location, history, a likelihood of attacks at the
location, and many other factors. The process used
to determine design criteria for applicable threat
and design guidance to resist the threat is provided
in the manuals listed below:
TM 5-853-1/AFMAN 32-1071, Vol 1, Security
Engineering - Project Development
TM 5-853-2/AFMAN 32-1071, Vol 2, Security
Engineering - Concept Design
TM 5-853-3/AFMAN 32-1071, Vol 3, Security
Engineering - Final Design
These manuals are marked "For Official Use Only".
and they may be ordered by Department of the Army
agencies from the U.S. Army Publications
Distribution Center, 2800 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore,
MD 21220-2896.
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