and all other beads or streaks of pitch shall be scraped off, or, if it is
still soft, removed with mineral spirits or turpentine, and the resinous
area shall be thinly coated with knot sealer.
Interior Wood Surfaces
Interior wood surfaces to receive stain shall be sanded. Oak and other
open-grain wood to receive stain shall be given a coat of wood filler
recommended by the finish manufacturer not less than 8 hours before the
application of stain; excess filler shall be removed and the surface sanded
smooth. Sanding of wood floors is specified in Section 09640 WOOD STRIP
FLOORING. Moisture content of the wood shall not exceed 12 percent as
measured by a moisture meter, unless otherwise authorized.
Wood Repair
Badly decayed areas shall be removed and repaired. Areas and pieces
decayed beyond repair shall be replaced with new pieces that match
originals in all respects. Moderately decayed areas, weathered, or gouged
wood shall be patched with approved patching compounds, and shall be sanded
smooth. The source or cause of wood decay shall be identified and
corrected prior to application of patching materials. Wet wood shall be
completely dried to a moisture content not exceeding 12 percent, as
measured by a moisture meter, to its full depth before patching, unless
otherwise authorized. Wood that is to be patched shall be clean of dust,
grease, and loose paint.
Epoxy Wood Repair
Epoxy wood repair materials shall be applied in accordance with
manufacturer's written instructions. Health and safety instructions shall
be followed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Clean
mixing equipment shall be used to avoid contamination. Mix and proportions
shall be as directed by the manufacturer. Batches shall be only large
enough to complete the specific job intended. Patching materials shall be
completely cured before painting or reinstallation of patched pieces.
Epoxy Consolidant and Epoxy Paste
Epoxy liquid wood consolidant shall be used: 1) to penetrate and
impregnate deteriorated wood sections in order to reinforce wood fibers
that have become softened or absorbent. 2) as a primer for areas that are
to receive epoxy paste filler. Epoxy paste shall be used to fill areas
where portions of wood are missing such as holes, cracks, gaps, gouges, and
other voids.
surfaces to be painted with water-thinned paints, shall be spot-primed with
a suitable corrosion-inhibitive primer capable of preventing flash rusting
and compatible with the coating specified for the adjacent areas.
Finishing nails shall be set, and all holes and surface imperfections shall
be primed. After priming, holes and imperfections in finish surfaces shall
be filled with putty or plastic wood filler, colored to match the finish
coat if natural finish is required, allowed to dry, and sanded smooth.
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