NOTE: This specification Section should be used
Ensure that employees are trained in all aspects of the safety plan.
improperly handled. The coating manufacturer's written safety precautions
shall be followed throughout mixing, application, and curing of the
coatings. During tank cleaning, cleanup, surface preparation, and paint
application phases, ensure that employees are protected from toxic and
Comply with respiratory protection requirements in 29 CFR 1910.134. The
NOTE: Modify tank construction specification to
indicate that floating pan will be installed over
coated floor and that the coating should be fully
protected during pan installation with protective
mats. Any required repairs should be done according
to paragraph entitled "Procedure for Holiday and
Spot Repairs of Newly Applied Coating."
[Coat tank interior following tank tightness testing.] [Coat tank interior
before installation of floating pan.][___________________.]
NOTE: Include any other job site related references
that might be added during design.
Make available to the Contracting Officer at least one copy each of API Std
653, ASTM D 3276, ASTM D 3925, ASTM D 4285, ASTM D 4417, NACE RP0178 and
companion visual comparator, NACE RP0188, SSPC SP COM, SSPC SP 1, SSPC SP 7,
SSPC SP 5, SSPC PA 1, SSPC PA 2, SSPC Guide 12, SSPC Guide to VIS 1, SSPC
VIS 1, and an SSPC Certified Contractor Evaluation Form at the job site.
NOTE: The Coating Manufacturer's rep may be
included for unusually large or complicated projects.
After approval of submittals but prior to the initiation of coating work,
Contractor representatives, including at a minimum, project superintendent
and QC manager, paint foreman, Contracting Officer representatives, coating
inspector, [and coating systems manufacturer's representative ]shall have a
pre-application coating preparatory meeting. This meeting shall be in
addition to the pre-construction conference. Specific items addressed
shall include: work plan, safety plan, inspection standards, inspector
safety plan, and test logs. Notify Contracting Officer at least ten days
prior to meeting.
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