materials for other locations must have flame spread
rating of 75 or less and smoke developed rating of
100 or less. Flame spread rating greater than 75
and smoke developed rating greater than 100 are not
permitted. Refer to MIL-HDBK-1008, "Fire Protection
for Facilities Engineering, Design and
Construction," for further guidance on specifying
flame spread and smoke developed ratings.
NOTE: If the optional phrase "as selected" is not
used to designate a color (and pattern), insert a
manufacturer's name and color (and pattern)
designation in the blank and add the following to
the end of this paragraph "The manufacturer's name
and catalog designation are provided in order to
describe the color (and pattern) desired. Other
manufacturer's products having a similar color (and
pattern) will be acceptable."
NOTE: Insert designations of rooms or areas in
which different flame spread and smoke developed
ratings are required.
ASTM C 960/C 960M, [regular] [Type X] gypsum board, 1200 mm 48 inches wide,
[12.7] [15.9] mm [1/2] [5/8] inch thick, with a decorative wall covering
(Class I) [or coating (Class II)] applied in-plant by the gypsum board
manufacturer. The color [and pattern] of wall covering shall be [_____]
[as selected]. [Edges shall be square with a slight bevel to produce a
shallow vee joint. Wrap wall covering around edges.] Predecorated gypsum
board, when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84, shall have [a flame spread
rating of 25 or less and a smoke developed rating of 50 or less for
[_____]] [and] [a flame spread rating of 75 or less and a smoke developed
rating of 100 or less for [_____]].
Cementitious Backer Units
NOTE: For adhesive applied ceramic tile in wet areas
(tubs, shower enclosures, saunas, steam rooms, gang
shower rooms), specify only cementitious backer
ANSI A108.1.
Joint Treatment Materials
ASTM C 475.
Embedding Compound
Specifically formulated and manufactured for use in embedding tape at
gypsum board joints and compatible with tape, substrate and fasteners.
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