edges. Where it is impossible to work the full dimension of a wall surface
in a continuous operation, jointing shall be made at a break, opening, or
other natural division of the surface. Edges to be joined shall be
dampened slightly to produce a smooth confluence. Exterior corners of
stucco shall be slightly rounded. Stucco on soffit surfaces shall be
pitched forward to form a drip.
Scratch Coat
Scratch coat shall be applied not less than 10 mm 3/8 inch thick under
sufficient pressure to form good keys and to completely embed the
reinforcement. Before the scratch coat has set, it shall be lightly
scratched in one direction and vertical surfaces shall be scratched in the
horizontal direction only. The scratch coat shall be fog cured for a
minimum of 72 hours.
Brown Coat
The scratch coat shall be dampened evenly to obtain uniform suction before
the brown coat is applied. There shall be no visible water on the surface
when the brown coat is applied. The brown coat shall be applied to the
scratch coat with sufficient pressure to force the stucco into the
scratches and shall be brought to a plumb, true, even plane with rod or
straightedge. When set sufficiently, the brown coat shall be uniformly
floated with a dry float to promote densification of the coat and to
provide a surface receptive to bonding of the finish coat. Brown coat
shall be fog cured for a minimum of 72 hours.
Finish Coat
Surfaces of the brown coat shall be dampened not more than 1 hour before
the finish coat is to be applied to a uniform wetness with no free-standing
water on the surface. The finish coat shall have a [smooth trowel] [float]
[trowel-textured] [rough-textured] [spray-textured] [exposed aggregate]
finish and shall conform to the approved sample. The finish coat shall be
fog cured for a minimum of 48 hours. Care shall be taken to prevent
Surface Tolerance
When a 3 m 10 foot straightedge is placed at any location on the finished
surface of the stucco, excluding rough-textured finish, the surface shall
not vary more than 3 mm 1/8 inch from the straightedge.
Fog curing shall be accomplished by applying a fine mist of water to the
stucco. Care shall be exercised during fog curing to avoid erosion damage
to the stucco surfaces. A solid stream of water shall not be used.
Frequency of fogging shall be not less than three times daily. When
directed the Contractor shall protect the stucco from the direct rays of
the sun during severe drying conditions using canvas, cloth or other
approved sheet material.
Loose, cracked, damaged or defective work shall be replaced or patched as
directed. Patching shall match existing work in texture and color and
shall be finished flush.
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