Audible signal devices
Wiring materials
Submit specifications and data sheets.
SD-07 Certificates
Submit manufacturer's certificates attesting that materials meet
specified requirements.
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions
Graphic locking control panels
Linear locking control panels
Security equipment cabinets
Submit construction specifications.
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Submit operation and maintenance data in accordance with Section
01781 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA. Include as-built wiring
diagrams complete with conductor color codes, conductor number,
and termination identification. General system descriptions
included in manufacturer's catalogs or advertising media will not
be acceptable in meeting the operation and maintenance manual
Programmable controller shall be the product of a manufacturer engaged in
the production of controllers for industrial applications.
Drawing Requirements
Submit installation drawings and wiring diagram for the overall system and
for each of the following major components. Show how each item of
equipment will function in the system and include an overall system
schematic indicating relationship of components. Prior to preparation of
drawings, review the electrical and operational characteristics of each
electrically controlled and monitored hardware. Include a layout of
devices to be installed in nongraphic locking control panel. Include
cabinet dimensions, full dimensional drawings, and layout of equipment to
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