or double chain idlers to convey chain to point shown or directed.
Steel Shaft Control
NOTE: Delete when not applicable.
Provide power unit with vertical standard black iron pipe of not less than
19 mm 0.75 inch inside diameter or solid steel shaft with malleable iron or
steel coupling. Support vertical shaft with brackets spaced not over 2
meters 6 feet apart. Where hand operating wheel is indicated 1.5 meters 4
feet 6 inches above floor, place wheel in vertical position. Where hand
operating wheel is indicated 2 meters 6 feet 6 inches above floor, place
wheel in horizontal position. Secure wheel in place permanently. Furnish
universal joints or beveled gears to locate control at point shown or as
directed on nearest wall or column. Where practicable, mount vertical
shafts on walls instead of pilasters.
Mechanical, Motorized Operators
NOTE: Insert appropriate Section number and title
in blank below using format per UFC 1-300-02.
Delete when not applicable.
Specified in [_____.]
Install in accordance with window manufacturer's printed instructions and
details. [Install fire rated windows in accordance with NFPA 80 and NFPA
101.] Build in windows as work progresses or install without forcing into
prepared window openings. Set at proper elevation, location, and reveal;
plumb, square, level, and in alignment. Brace and stay to prevent
distortion and misalignment. Protect ventilators and operating parts
against dirt and building materials by keeping closed and locked to frame.
Bed screws or bolts in sill members, joints at mullions, contacts of
windows with sills, built-in fins, and subframes in mastic sealant
recommended by window manufacturer. Install windows in a manner that will
prevent entrance of water and wind. [Fasten insect screens securely in
Make provision for securing units to each other and to adjoining
construction. Windows installed in direct contact with masonry shall have
head and jamb members designed to enter into masonry not less than 11 mm
7/16 inch. Where windows are set in prepared masonry openings, build in
anchors and fastenings to jambs of openings and fasten securely to windows
or frames and to adjoining construction. Space anchors not more than 450 mm
18 inches apart on jambs and sills, and install a minimum of three anchors
on each side of each opening. Anchors and fastenings shall have sufficient
strength to hold member firmly in position. Where type, size, or spacing
of anchors is not shown or specified, use expansion or toggle bolts or
screws as best suited to construction material. Provide expansion shield
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