Structural Steel
NOTE: Specify stainless steel only if local
experience indicates that steel guides will rust and
interfere with door operation.
Include the following paragraphs in Section 05120,
"Structural Steel."
Top Guides and Bottom Rails for Hangar Doors:
.1.1 Top Guides: Maintain nominal elevation within
plus or minus 6 mm 1/4 inch and nominal
center-to-center dimension within plus or minus 3 mm
1/8 inch, with variation from nominal no greater than
one mm in 2 meters 1/8 inch in 20 feet. Joints of
head guides are not required to be welded, but shim
and grind so adjoining guide surfaces are not out of
line more than 2 mm 1/16 inch. Top guide tolerances
shall be met after dead load is imposed on building
frame. [Top guide surfaces which will be in contact
with rollers during door operation shall be
stainless steel framing or structural members.]
.1.2 Hanging Head Flashing: Galvanized steel, not
lighter than 1.2 mm thick 18 gage, reinforced as
required. Coordinate with hangar door manufacturer.
Show exact location and configuration on top guide
shop drawings. Top guide and head flashing system
shall be shop assembled to verify accuracy of fit
and fastener location, and disassembled for
shipping. Install head flashing after doors are in
.1.3 Bottom Rails: Standard A.S.C.E. or A.R.E.A.
weighing not less than [_____] kilograms per meter
pounds per yard. Do not install rails until top
guide system has been installed. Anchor rails as
indicated. Set rails to elevation within plus or
minus 6 mm 1/4 inch, with variations from elevation
no greater rate than one mm in 2 meters 1/8 inch in
20 feet. Nominal design relationship between top
guides and bottom rails to be maintained without
exception. Center-to-center dimensions of bottom
rails to be maintained within plus or minus 3 mm 1/8
inch with variation from nominal no greater than one
mm in 2 meters 1/8 inch in 20 feet. Weld rail
joints and grind smooth or provide with splice plate
in accordance with ASCE standards."
AISC 335 and ASTM A 36/A 36M.
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