"CLOSE," and "STOP." The "OPEN" and "STOP" buttons shall be of the type
requiring only momentary pressure to operate. The "CLOSE" button shall be
of the type requiring constant pressure to maintain the closing motion of
the door. When the door is in motion, and the "STOP" button is pressed or
the "CLOSE" button released, the door shall stop instantly and remain in
the stop position; from the stop position, the door may then be operated in
either direction by the "OPEN" or "CLOSE" buttons. Pushbuttons shall be
full-guarded to prevent accidental operation. Provide limit switches to
automatically stop the doors at their fully open and closed positions.
Positions of the limit switches shall be readily adjustable.
Safety Device
The bottom bar of power-operated doors shall have a safety device that will
immediately stop and reverse the door in its closing travel upon contact
with an obstruction in the door opening or upon failure of the device or
any component of the control system and cause the door to return to its
full open position. The door-closing circuit shall be automatically locked
out and the door shall be operable manually until the failure or damage has
been corrected. Do not use safety device as a limit switch.
Shall be provided in power circuits as necessary to reduce the voltage on
the control circuits to 120 volts or less (preferably 24 volts). The
Electrical Work
NOTE: See that labor and materials for connecting
motors and controls are specified in the electrical
section, "Rolling Doors: Mount controls, including
type SO cable and takeup reels furnished by the door
manufacturer, and provide necessary conduit,
conductors, and devices in accordance with the door
Electrical components and installation shall conform to NFPA 70. The door
manufacturer shall furnish manual or automatic control and safety devices,
including extra flexible type SO cable and spring-loaded automatic takeup
reel or equivalent device, as required for proper operation of the doors.
Conduit, wiring, and mounting of controls is specified in Section 16402
NOTE: Delete this paragraph if not applicable.
Doors to which it is applicable should be identified
in the specifications.
Electrical materials, equipment, and devices for installation in hazardous
locations, as defined by NFPA 70, shall be specifically approved by
Underwriters Laboratories or an independent testing agency using equivalent
standards, for the particular chemical group and the class and division of
hazardous location involved.
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