Rolling counter doors shall conform to the requirements specified herein
and shall be constructed of [aluminum] [stainless steel] [galvanized steel]
curtains, guides and hood components.
NOTE: Fire-rated rolling counter doors are
available with Class A (3 hr), Class B (1-1/2 hr), C
(3/4 hr), or Class D (1-1/2 hr) label. If only one
class of rolling counter door is required for the
project, the label requirement may be specified. If
the project requires more than one class of rolling
counter door, the label requirements should be shown
on the drawings. If fire-rated rolling counter
doors are not required, all references to
fire-rating and label requirements will be deleted.
Fire-rated rolling counter doors shall be [[Class A (3 hr.)] [Class B
(1-1/2 hr.)] [Class C (3/4 hr.)] [Class D (1-1/2 hr.)] rated] [as shown]
and shall conform to the requirements specified and to NFPA 80 for the
class indicated. Doors shall bear the labels of a recognized testing
agency indicating the applicable fire resistance rating. The construction
details necessary for labeled rolling counter doors shall take precedence
over details indicated or specified herein. Door curtains, guides and hood
shall be [stainless steel] [galvanized steel]. Fire-rated rolling counter
doors shall be complete with hardware, accessories, and automatic closing
device. Rolling counter doors in exit corridor walls shall be provided
with perimeter smoke and draft control gasketing.
NOTE: Requirements for counter and frame
construction will be shown on the drawings.
Integral frame units may be used where appropriate;
however, the specification must be edited to
incorporate the additional requirements for frame
and counter. Fire rated integral frame units are
available with Class A (3 hr), Class B (1-1/2 hr),
or Class C (3/4 hr), or Class D (1-1/2 hr) label.
Integral frame doors are not available as split
Integral frame rolling counter door shall be [[aluminum] [stainless steel]
[galvanized steel].] [[[Class A (3 hr.)] [Class B (1-1/2 hr.)] [Class C
(3/4 hr.)] [Class D (1-1/2 hr.)]] [as shown], [stainless steel] [galvanized
steel].] Fire-rated doors shall conform to the requirements of NFPA 80 for
the Class indicated and shall bear the labels of a recognized testing
agency indicating the applicable fire resistance rating. Jambs shall be
formed to create guides for the curtain. Head and jambs shall be 1.519 mm
16 gauge thickness. Counter shall be 1.894 mm 14 gauge thickness. Rolling
counter doors in exit corridor walls shall be provided with perimeter smoke
and draft control gasketing.
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