Sealer Application
If sealer is required by the product used, it shall be applied after field
required, have been completed.
Applied Thickness
The minimum average thickness shall be no less than 9.525 mm 0.375 inches.
Thicknesses shall not be less than required to achieve designated fire
resistance ratings. If the specified thickness is greater than or equal to
25 mm 1 inch, any individual measurement shall not be less than the
specified thickness minus 6 mm 0.25 inches. If the specified thickness is
less than 25 mm 1 inch, any individual measurement shall not be less than
the specified thickness minus 25 percent.
The applied fireproofing shall be tested by an approved independent testing
laboratory to be selected by the A/E and paid for by the Contractor. The
tests shall be performed in approved locations: for density in accordance
with ASTM E 736, cohesion/adhesion in accordance with ASTM E 736, and for
thickness in accordance with ASTM E 605. Determine densities in accordance
with ASTM E 605 or Appendix A, "Alternate Method for Density Determdnation"
beam bottom flange, beam web, column, and an equivalent area from the top
of the lower beam flange. Areas showing a density less than specified will
be rejected. A test sample shall be located every 920 square meters 10,000
square feet of floor area or two for each floor, whichever produces the
greatest number of test areas. Any area showing less than minimum
shall be approved before starting the corrective action. Corrected work
shall be retested.
Structural Components
Each structural component type shall be tested at floor and roof decks,
beams, columns, joists, and trusses. Minimum average thickness shall be as
[indicated] [or] [required by UL Fire Resist Dir]. Density and
cohesion/adhesion shall be as specified.
Additional fireproofing material may be added to provide proper thickness.
Rejected areas of fireproofing shall be corrected to meet specified
requirements by adding fireproofing material to provide the proper
thickness, or by removing defects and respraying with new fireproofing
material. Repairs shall use same type of fireproofing material as
originally applied or patching materials recommended by the manufacturer.
Repaired areas shall be retested and reinspected. Fireproofing material
shall be applied to voids or damaged areas by hand-trowel, or by respraying.
Visual Inspections
Inspections shall be made by the certified independent laboratory prior to
closure of concealed areas. These inspections may be phased, but shall not
occur less than 5 working days prior to the enclosure of the fireproofing.
Sprayed areas shall receive a final inspection. Fireproofed surfaces shall
be inspected after mechanical, electrical, and other work in contact with
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