Roof Panels
One piece 225 mm 9 inches long, full width.
Fasteners[; G][; G, [_____]]
Two samples of each type to be used, with statement regarding
intended use. If so requested, random samples of each type of
fastener, as delivered to the project site shall be taken in the
presence of the Contracting Officer and provided to the
Contracting Officer.
Concealed anchor clips[; G][; G, [_____]]
Two samples of each type.
SD-06 Test Reports
Field Testing[; G][; G, [_____]]
Test reports for uplift resistance of the copper roof system.
SD-07 Certificates
Copper Roof System
Certification that materials used in the copper roof system meet
specified requirements.
Copper shall be formed to provide proper installation of elastomeric
sealants. Expansion joints shall be formed of intermeshing hooked flanges
not less than 25 mm 1 inch deep in accordance with CDA 4115.
Wind Uplift Loads
NOTE: Select the basic wind speed value from TM
5-809-1. The importance and exposure factors will
be obtained from ASCE 7.
The design uplift pressures for the roof system shall be computed and
applied using a basic wind speed of [_____] km miles per hour (fastest km
mile), an importance factor of [_____], and an exposure factor of [_____].
The design uplift force for each connection assembly shall be that pressure
given for the area under consideration, multiplied by the tributary load
area of the connection assembly, and multiplied by the appropriate factor
of safety, as follows:
Single fastener in each connection .........3.0
Two or more fasteners in each connection ...2.25
Panel and Clip Design
Panel and clip strength characteristics such as panel buckling strength,
panel stiffness, side joint strength and clip/side joint shall meet
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