apart]. Adjust gutters to slope uniformly to outlets, with high points
occurring midway between outlets.
Fabricate hangers and fastenings from
metals compatible with the gutters.
NOTE: For additions to existing buildings,
downspouts may be specified to match the design of
the existing portion of the building.
Supports for downspouts shall be spaced according to the manufacturer's
recommendation for the [wood] [masonry] or [steel] substrate. Types,
shapes and sizes are indicated. Provide complete including elbows and
offsets. Provide downspouts in approximately 3000 mm 10 foot lengths.
Provide end joints to telescope not less than 13 mm 1/2 inch and lock
longitudinal joints. Provide gutter outlets with wire ball strainers for
each outlet. Provide strainers to fit tightly into outlets and be of the
same material used for gutters. Keep downspouts not less than 25 mm one
inch away from walls. Fasten to the walls at top, bottom, and at an
intermediate point not to exceed 1500 mm 5 feet on centers with leader
straps or concealed rack-and-pin type fasteners.
Form straps and
fasteners of metal compatible with the downspouts.
Neatly fit into the drainage connection the downspouts terminating in
drainage lines and fill the joints with a portland cement mortar cap sloped
away from the downspout. Provide downspouts terminating in splash blocks
with elbow-type fittings. Concrete splash block is specified in Section
04200 MASONRY. Provide splash pans as specified.
Flashing for Roof Drains
Roof drains are specified in Section 15400 PLUMBING SYSTEMS. Provide a 750
mm 30 inch square sheet indicated. Taper insulation to drain from 600 mm
24 inches out. Set flashing on finished felts in a full bed of asphalt
roof cement, ASTM D 4586. Apply strip flashing to the drain flashing in
accordance with Section 07511 BUILT-UP ASPHALT ROOFING Surfaced) [(Smooth
Surfaced)] [(Mineral Surfaced)], paragraph entitled "Roof Drain Flashing."
Heavily coat the drain flashing ring with asphalt roof cement. Clamp the
roof membrane, flashing sheet, and stripping felt in the drain clamping
ring. Secure clamps so that felts and drain flashing are free of wrinkles
and folds.
Line interior of scupper openings with sheet metal. Extend the lining
through and project outside of the wall to form a drip on the bottom edge
and form to return not less than 25 mm one inch against the face of the
outside wall at the top and sides. Fold outside edges under 13 mm 1/2 inch
on all sides. Provide the perimeter of the lining approximately 13 mm 1/2
inch less than the perimeter of the scupper. Join the top and sides of the
lining on the roof deck side to a closure flange by a locked and soldered
joint. Join the bottom edge by a locked and soldered joint to the closure
flange, where required, form with a ridge to act as a gravel stop around
the scupper inlet. Provide surfaces to receive the scupper lining and coat
with bituminous plastic cement.
Mechanically fasten joints in aluminum
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