inches) beyond edge of previous ply.
Membrane Flashing at Roof Drain
NOTE: Include this paragraph when roof drains are
Roof drains are specified in Section 15400 PLUMBING SYSTEMS. Flashing for
roof drains, are specified in Section 07600 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL.
Extend membrane sheets to edge of drain bowl opening at the roof drain deck
flange in accordance with membrane manufacturer's printed application
instructions. Securely clamp membrane sheets and metal roof drain flashing
and strip flashing in the flashing clamping ring. Secure clamps so that
sheets and metal flashing are free from wrinkles and folds. Trim stripping
flush with inside of clamping ring.
Pre-fabricated Curbs
Prefabricated curbs shall be securely anchored to nailer or other base
substrate and flashed with modified bitumen membrane.
Set-On Accessories
Where pipe or conduit blocking, supports and similar roof accessories are
set on the membrane, adhere walkpad material to bottom of accessories prior
to setting on roofing membrane. Specific method of installing set-on
accessories must permit normal movement due to expansion, contraction,
vibration, and similar occurrences without damaging roofing membrane. Do
not mechanically secure set-on accessories through roofing membrane into
roof deck substrate.
roof membrane in a manner acceptable to the roof membrane manufacturer.
Roof Walkpads
Install walkpads at roof access points and where otherwise indicated for
traffic areas and for access to mechanical equipment, in accordance with
the modified bitumen sheet roofing manufacturer's printed instructions.
Provide minimum 150 mm (6 inch) separation between adjacent walkpads to
accommodate drainage. Provide walkpad [or an additional layer of cap
sheet] under precast concrete paver blocks to protect the roofing.
Elevated Metal [Walkways] [and] [Platforms]
Install over completed roof system in accordance with Section 05500.
Provide protection mat of walkpad material, or other material approved by
the Contracting Officer, at all surface bearing support locations.
Paver Blocks
Install paver blocks where indicated and as necessary to support surface
bearing items traversing the roof area. Paver block shall be set on a
layer of walkpad [or cap sheet] applied over the completed roof membrane.
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