Installer adheres to specified and detailed application parameters.
Associated flashings and sheet metal are installed in a timely
manner in accord with the specified requirements.
Temporary protection measures are in place at the end of each work
Manufacturer's Inspection
NOTE: Include this paragraph when manufacturer's
inspection of work is required. Select desired
frequency of manufacturer inspection and coordinate
with text of optional 2nd and 3rd bracketed sentences.
Manufacturer's technical representative shall visit the site a minimum of
[three][_____] times [once per week] during the installation for purposes
of reviewing materials installation practices and adequacy of work in
place.[ Inspections shall occur during the first 20 squares of membrane
installation, at mid-point of the installation, and at substantial
completion prior to surfacing application, at a minimum. Additional
inspections shall not exceed one for each 100 squares of total roof area
with the exception that follow-up inspections of previously noted
deficiencies or application errors shall be performed as requested by the
Contracting Officer.] After each inspection, a report, signed by the
manufacturer's technical representative shall be submitted to the
Contracting Officer within 3 working days. The report shall note overall
quality of work, deficiencies and any other concerns, and recommended
corrective action.
Samples of Built-Up Roofing
NOTE: This requirement is included for optional
enforcement at the discretion of the Contracting
Officer. It is not the intent to require cut
samples on all roof projects.
After application of specified roofing felts and prior to applying
surfacing, take field samples of built-up roofing as directed by the
Contracting Officer. Take and test samples in accordance with ASTM D 3617
and at locations selected by the Contracting Officer immediately prior to
cutting. Cut 100 mm by 1000 mm (4-inch by 40-inch) samples across felt
laps in a manner to expose the specified number of plies. The 100 mm (4
inch) edge shall coincide with an edge lap of felt and shall not be
positioned over an end lap. The 100 mm by 1000 mm (4-inch by 40-inch)
samples shall be used for visual inspection. The Contracting Officer will
inspect the samples for the specified number of plies, bond between plies,
skips in interply moppings, uniform asphalt mopping, presence of excessive
voids or large voids in the ply construction, presence of harmful foreign
materials, visible presence of moisture in the sandwich and wet insulation.
300 mm by 300 mm (12 inch by 12 inch) cut samples shall be used to
calculate bitumen quantities in accordance with ASTM D 3617 when necessary
and directed by the Contracting Officer. Do not proceed with surfacing
until all deficiencies disclosed as a result of cut tests have been
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