Provide protection mat of walkpad material, or other material approved by
the Contracting Officer, at all surface bearing support locations.
Paver Blocks
Install paver blocks where indicated and as necessary to support surface
bearing items traversing the roof area. Paver block shall be set on a
layer of walkpad [or modified bitumen cap sheet] applied over the completed
roof membrane.
Vapor Pressure Relief Vents
NOTE: Include this paragraph only where vapor
pressure relief venting over wet fill substrate
material or insulation over vapor retarder is
required. Coordinate with venting provisions in
other paragraphs of this specification.
Provide vents in a uniform pattern and at a minimum rate of one for each
100 square meters (1000 square feet) of roof area. Space and install in
strict accordance with the membrane manufacturer's instructions. Before
applying roof surfacing, cut a hole, of diameter to suit base opening size
of vent, through the roofing membrane and down to the deck[vapor retarder]
surface. Fill the cut out with loose fill fiberglass or crumbled
polyisocyanurate insulation. Set vent flange over hole on top of roofing
membrane in a 1/8 inch thick bed of asphalt roof cement or special adhesive
or cement recommended by vent manufacturer. Strip-in vent flanges with
strip flashing membrane. Apply a bead of roof cement at membrane
termination at base of vent.
NOTE: Include only the applicable surfacing, delete
the other option.
Aggregate Surfacing
After completion of roof membrane ply and flashing installation, and
correction of tears, gouges or other deficiencies in the installed work,
apply aggregate surfacing. Uniformly flood coat the surface with hot
asphalt at a rate of approximate 2.9 kg (60 pounds) per square. While
asphalt is still hot, apply gravel aggregate surfacing material at a rate
of 19.5 kg (400 pounds) per square or 14.5 kg (300 pounds) per square for
slag or other approved aggregate surfacing. Provide for full and uniform
coverage of the roof surface. Approximately 50 percent of the aggregate
shall be solidly adhered in the asphalt.
Granule-Surfaced Modified Bitumen Cap Sheet
NOTE: Include the option of hot asphalt or torch
application of cap sheet where permissible. Torch
applied cap sheet can be applied over hot mopped
membrane plies.
Where finished appearance of the roof is of
consequence, include the bracketed requirement for
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